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2012 Year End Show

With the close of every year, it has become a custom of ours at GVC to highlight the year in a “Year End Show.” 2012 is the longest and most uplifting one yet as it recounts God’s faithfulness and goodness.

Here are the songs used in this slideshow:
1) “Oh, How Good It Is” by Keith & Kristyn Getty (Hymns for the Christian Life, 2012)
2) “This Good Day” by Fernando Ortega (Home, 2000)
3) “Arrived” by Enfield (O for that day, 2008)
4) “In the Night” by Andrew Peterson (Counting Stars, 2010)

Also I could not have put this slideshow together without the help of some photographers. Thank you Nathan Chilton, Joseph Friedrich, Sarah Macias, Hope Pelster and my lovely bride, Angie, who gathered and organized all 248 photos.