It has been admirably observed on this subject— ‘In order to prevent perpetual disappointment, we must learn to extend our views. To seek for the real harvest produced by spiritual labours only in their immediate and visible results, would be not less absurd, than to take our measure of infinite space from that limited prospect, which the mortal eye can reach; or to estimate the never-ending ages of eternity by a transitory moment of present time—It often happens, that God withholds his blessing for a time, in order that, when the net is cast in “on the right side,” it may be clearly seen, that “the multitude of fishes” inclosed are of the Lord’s giving; lest men should attribute their success to a wrong cause, and should “sacrifice unto their own net, and burn incense unto their own drag.”1 We may add to this the recollection of the extensive results from “the day of small things.” Only two souls appear as the immediate fruit of the vision of “the man of Macedonia;” but how fruitful was the ultimate harvest in the flourishing Churches of that district!2 Our plain and cheering duty is therefore to go forward—to scatter the seed—to believe and wait.
Yet must there be expectancy as well as patience. The warrant of success is assured—not only as regards an outward reformation—but a spiritual change of progressive and universal influence. The fruit of Ministerial labour is not indeed always visible in its symptoms, nor immediate in its results, nor proportioned to the culture. Faith and patience will be exercised—sometimes severely so. But after a pains-taking, weeping seed-time, we shall bring our sheaves with rejoicing, and lay them upon the altar of God, “that the offering up of them might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost.”3
Meanwhile we must beware of saying—“Let him make speed, and hasten his work that we may see it.”4 The measure and the time are with the Lord. We must let him alone with his own work. Ours is the care of service—His is the care of success.5 “The Lord of the harvest” must determine, when, and what, and where the harvest shall be.
It was December 2010 when our council met around a dinner table and began, as always, to discuss the ministry at GVC. There was uncertainty in the “transitory moment of [the] present time.” It seemed as though God was withholding his blessing for a time, but for how long? We knew that some in the church even struggled with what seemed “perpetual disappointment” as we all waited on God. I remember praying fervently yet admittedly looking back I believe there was a seed of doubt within me.
I wonder how many of us struggle to believe and patiently wait upon the Lord as I did. We read in the psalms, “Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD” (Ps 27:14), “Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him” (Ps 37:7a). We even read in Scripture of such testimonials that say “I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me and heard my cry” (Ps 40:1). And the promise is still the same: “The LORD favors those who fear Him, Those who wait for His lovingkindness” (Ps 147:11). Admittedly it is difficult to wait on Him for our hearts are so impatient. Can we not see the results now of all our prayers and of our service unto the LORD? How long LORD? How long?
The truth is that our faith and patience must be exercised. They must be strengthened with resolution of the will to believe in the Lord and trust Him wholly. We must “let him alone with his own work.” Our work is to be faithful – faithful in doing what we know we ought to be doing. What is that you ask? Believing on Him. Serving Him. Let God take care of the harvest for He is the “LORD of the harvest” (Mt 9:38). You take care of being the faithful worker and laborer who beseeches the LORD and patiently waits upon Him. As it is written, “we are unworthy slaves; we have done only that which we ought to have done” (Lk 14:22).
Fast forward nine (9) months and the present looks different than it did before. I most of all am convicted of unbelief and yet resolved now more than ever, with resolution of heart, that God is the “blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords” (1 Tim 6:15). He will build His church, one life at a time, beginning with me, beginning with you.
Yet my beloved, there is much to be and much to do. May He strengthen your sails with His abiding presence to continue serving Him and growing ever more in faith toward Him. For “we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love” (Eph 4:15-16).