Clear Lines of Authority
Meet the Ferrer Family

Grant Ferrer was a 21-year-old college student in Florida, studying to be a pilot, when he became a Christian. He obtained all his pilot licenses and became a gliding instructor when God called him to be a missionary. In 1980 he worked with Operation Mobilization for a summer, then he was in a discipleship intern program at Fairhaven Bible Chapel in San Leandro, California, under Gene Gibson and Bill MacDonald.
In 1981, Grant and Kandy were married, and in 1982, Fairhaven sent them to Cataluña, Spain where they worked with Daniel Gonzalez (Cursos Biblicos, Barcelona), planting two churches in Figueres and Rosas, Spain. While Grant and Kandy were home on furlough in 1991, Grant was asked to replace his former mentor Gene Gibson, who had suffered a heart attack, on a trip to Honduras. During his three-week trip, Grant preached 75 times, giving his own messages and interpreting for Jim McCarthy, author of The Gospel According to Rome and other Christian books. Grant was invited to return to Honduras, and after much prayer, he moved there in 1992 with Kandy and their three little girls.
After living in Tegucigalpa for two years, God led the Ferrers to plant a church in Valle de Angeles with a Honduran couple. After eight years there, the church sent them to Managua, Nicaragua in 2003, to work with Helen Goatley to start a church in the capital city.

Last year, Grant and Kandy returned to Valle de Angeles just as the church was about to start another church in Santa Lucia. God has greatly prospered those efforts asthere is now a church planting effort in the nearby villages of Sauce and Macueliso, and the church in Nicaragua is still going strong with good leadership. Grant trains men to minister in their local churches and provides discipleship and evangelism training. Since 1997 (the year the Ferrers’ son Joshua was born), there have been 95 graduates of the Bible Modules discipleship program, which trains men to be leaders in their local churches.
When Kandy was 17, she gave her life to the Lord, and moving to Garden Valley, California, the believers there helped her to grow spiritually. When a missionary visited Garden Valley Chapel, giving a stirring message and an invitation to serve the Lord overseas, Kandy felt called to be a missionary. She attended Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta, Canada, and later she served with Operation Mobilization (OM) for two-and-a-half years in Europe and Asia. She met Grant at OM headquarters in Belgium. Because Kandy had attended monthly missionary prayer meetings at Fairhaven Bible Chapel in San Leandro, Grant had already been praying for her while she was in Asia with OM, as had the believers at Garden Valley Chapel and Contra Costa Christian Community Fellowship. Those three churches are still faithfully supporting Grant and Kandy in their ministry 31 years later.
The Ferrers’ oldest daughter Jessica and her husband Robert Campbell have two children, Robby (5) and Cali (1 1/2), and their family is in fellowship with Fairhaven Bible Chapel. Their middle daughter Susana has been studying at Trinity Seminary for two years and is planning to transfer to Fuller to finish her Master’s degree in intercultural studies. Their youngest daughter Melodi is studying at San Jose State and will graduate in May with a Master’s degree in speech pathology. All three girls were homeschooled through high school. Joshua, 15, went to a Christian school in Managua, then he was homeschooled for two years. He now attends a private high school and carries six subjects in Spanish and six subjects in English. He was baptized about a month ago.