Leaving Garden Valley Chapel

and fellow servant-leader Ryan Bartels to my right –
beloved co-laborers whom I love (Photo taken on Resurrection Sunday 2013).
This Sunday, Resurrection Sunday, will be six years since I was asked to preach in the pulpit at Garden Valley Chapel. Sadly, it will also mark the last Sunday I will step up to the pulpit as the teaching shepherd at GVC. For months now I have been weighing the difficult decision to leave GVC and pursue further study at The Master’s Seminary, where I graduated in 2006.
I sought the counsel of some 16 men in my life, most of whom are involved in full-time ministry, to help me think through this heart-breaking decision. I cannot tell you how many times I prayed to the Lord for his will to be revealed to me through the night watches. For this reason I sought Psalm 25 which is a prayer of David for guidance. If you haven’t read it recently, I would encourage you to read this short psalm as David pleads for divine guidance in the midst of opposing darkness.
As I have relayed this to our church body, there have been many tears, but I have been encouraged by the people’s response for me to be obedient to God’s leading in my life. My oldest son, Isaiah, had the hardest time coming to grip with the decision his daddy had made. Thankfully, the Lord provided me with words that assured him that this is the way to leave a church body, with much love in your heart.
In the near future, I plan to attend Grace Academy, whose goal is to provide leadership for developing churches, for eight weeks during the months of June and July. I am thankful to the Lord that GVC has decided to help our family with a bit of the financial responsibilities in the coming months. Please pray that the Lord provides me with work in the meantime.
Lord willing, we will be moving on Friday, April 25 from the parsonage and arriving in Santa Clarita on Saturday, April 26. The pitstop in Merced that Friday night will provide us with an opportunity to break the trip in half and give some needful rest. Below is our new contact info:
23705 Valle del Oro, Apt. #101
Newhall, CA 91321-3188
Our new home phone will be installed on Monday, April 28th: 661-753-3252.
Please let us know, either by e-mail or message, if you are willing and able to help us move out or move in on those dates. Blessings.
Music Co-op Soundtrack – Vol. 2
The Syndrome of Size
Lego LOTR Trailer
Lego LOTR Trailer from David Torres on Vimeo.