A Pastors’ Fellowship
Each month I meet with the other pastors on the Divide. At times everyone is able to make it, while at others, it is only a few, yet it does provide for an opportunity to “feel the pulse” of the Christian community on the Divide. What are the pastors preaching most recently? What challenges and joys is the church experiencing? How can we pray for one another?
I have come to be convinced that we need to be deliberate in the relationships we have with one another – deliberate in gathering together, deliberate in asking the concerns and cares for today, deliberate in rejoicing with one another over His faithfulness and sovereign care over our lives.
Although I may not agree with each man’s philosophy of ministry, I both see them and treat them as brothers in the LORD. As shepherds, we know many of the same sheep who at one point or another has left here to go there. The sad reality is that it seems that most people on the Divide have been in more than 2-3 churches in only a span of a decade. My prayer is that we, as His under-shepherds, can be faithful to the task before us: to “shepherd the flock of God” among us and “proving to be examples to the flock” (1 Peter 5:2-3).