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Day Six of Creation, Pt. 2 (Genesis 1:26)

Part of the The Book of Genesis series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

David Torres
David Torres
May 26, 2013

Take your Bible if you will and open it to the book of Genesis 1, Genesis chapter one, where we continue our study of day six of creation - our 10th message on the Book of Beginnings.

With the creation of man, the creation account now reaches its climax, for it is the crowning work of that narrative.

Beginning with verse 26, the narrative of creation slows down even more to emphasize the significance upon the creation of man.

Everything up to this point has been merely a prelude to what would happen at the end of day six. Earlier that day, God created all the land-based animals, but before the day is out, God creates his most crowning achievement of creation, the creation of man.

You see man is not merely one of the animals He created. He is distinct, different, and unique. God engages in deliberation with Himself concerning the creation of man.1

As we shall see, "God create man in His own image" (v. 27) and place upon him a divine blessing in which his position as ruler over all things is set forth - "let them rule" God says, "over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth" (v. 26).

Day by day, step by step God has worked to transform the unformed into a world upon which man might dwell and rule for God's glory.

God created man to glorify Him and to enjoy Him forever!

This is so important my beloved. So important that the writers of the Westminster Confession of Faith, devoted an entire chapter on Creation stating:

"It pleased God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the manifestation of the glory of His eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, in the beginning, to create, or make of nothing, the world, and all things therein whether visible or invisible, in the space of six days; and all very good."2

It is all about God and His glory! And we were created with the privilege and honor of bringing glory to the Creator.

It is the declaration and confession made in Rev 4:11 -

11 "Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created."

You, just like any other man, either agree that that everything that exists is the result of the activity of God or not.3

Something/someone rather than nothing created it all! If you start with nothing than it all falls apart, down to how we interact with other fellow human beings.

Listen, my beloved, the Bible tells us of that Someone!

The question that has arisen among Fallen man since his departure from the Garden has been, is, and will be until God in Christ returns is "What is man?"

Philosophers have wrestled with this question; sociologists have tried to answer it; psychologists and psychiatrists have been facing it; ethicists and social activists have attempted to solve it, but it is the Bible alone, God's revelation of Himself, that tells us the answer.

There is a non-Christian answer to that question and then there is the Christian answer. And you will hear more of the former than the latter in the world we live in today.

But today is different my beloved, because today we go to book of Beginnings and we will learn from God the truth of "what is man."

Today we look to God's authoritative Word to tell us "what is man" as always I invite you to stand in the reading of God's Holy Word.

Read Genesis 1:26-31.

About David Torres: David Torres was born in San Salvador and moved to the States at the age of 6. He came to Christ at age 15. He is a graduate of The Master’s University (BA ’01) and The Master’s Seminary (MDiv ’06; ThM ‘19). He served as a pastor-teacher in Garden Valley, CA for 8 years. In 2014, he returned to Grace to You as the GAV Radio Producer serving the Spanish speaking world through the teaching ministry of John MacArthur. He serves in the Joint Heirs Fellowship Group at Grace Community Church and on the council for Grace Advance. He also serves as a Section Instructor at TMS. He was married to Angie in 2000, and they have seven children: Isaiah, Emilia, Micah, Eva, Isabella, Elizabeth, and Jeremiah.